30 March 2010

Snippets (from Krissie's blog)

outside my window (er, porthole) ... construction on the rehabilitated historic drawbridge "Bridge of Lions" St Augustine, FL
I am wearing... chinos, long-sleeve T shirt from my physical therapy place, tennis shoes, sunglasses
noticing that... the tide is slowly rising
i am hoping... that my friend Moni's situation will work out
on my mind... some good friends (J&E) who are in the process of moving ashore in San Diego, CA
around the house (er, boat) ... swim suits, nautical charts
one of my favorite things... pizza, delivered to our slip. Sunrise on water. Sharing a cup of coffee with Dan
i'm creating... a playlist on my iPod called "Wild Women"
a few plans for the rest of the week... exploring the historic city, meeting LeeAnn who I know from FB but haven't met IRL, taking a trolley tour, a bit of shopping
i'm looking forward... to getting back to Annapolis and having my stylist Ron work his magic on my hair