13 July 2009

23 More Goodbyes

I'm counting down not days at work but number of times I have to begin my day by saying goodbye to Dan. The end of those, can't come soon enough! I have 8 more weeks of work (Oh the suspense! Will she get everything done in time? Stay tuned!) but only 3 days per week in-office. I don't enjoy, but can make it through, getting up at oh-dark-thirty and staring at brake lights on the Beltway for at least an hour each way, but I hate seeing Dan in the rear-view mirror as I turn away!

I started another kind of goodbyes last weekend, the first of several one-on-one visits. We are trying to have some real intense time with the local friends on our "A-list" before we leave the luxury of having everyone within a few hours' drive (except D&J&A in Colorado and D&D in the USVI) and are reduced to email only. Its always fun to see people on their turf, you understand so much more about friends when you get to learn the context that shapes them. We had a wonderful visit, made more vivid by the knowledge that it would be the last opportunity for a year or so. Details seemed richer, more enhanced. Autumn leaves are more vibrant, colorful, intense than those of summer, and I wonder, is the sense of impending (temporary) loss part of the reason?


RoseAnn said...

At least you're retiring before the days get really short and o-dark-thirty feels like the middle of the night!

Dan N Jaye said...

During late June, it ws light when I got up and the sun rose before I left home. Now already, amazing, the days are notably shorter and its dark. You are right, I'm glad I won't have another year of leaving in the dark and coming home in the dark.