10 January 2012

Playlist for Dan's birthday included: The Beatles' "When I'm 64" (of course! Thank you Daniel S. for the mp3 version) and Jimmy Buffett's "I'm Growing Older But Not Up." He rarely seems to want frivolous stuff, so its been cool to see that while we've been here, he's been pretty excited about pirate history (blog post coming!). We've been to the pirate museum, gone on the pirate ship, and now, for his B-day, bought pirate costumes and signed up for (are you ready?) swordfighting lessons.

After we got home, we were sitting in the cockpit (dressed as pirates!) and almost immediately some dockwalkers came past and begged for a photo. Its kind of a kick, posing with swords with random strangers. (Who knows how many facebook pages we'll be on?) These people were from Russia, Israel, and Columbia, and were having a blast! So now we're St Augustine cultural ambassadors. Playing is good!

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