12 November 2010

A Perfect "Last Sail of the Season"

Visited the Bay one last time, went past Thomas Point Lighthouse, started in gusty winds and a few hours later there was no wind at all and we drifted on the current. But the air was crisp and clear and we looked so hard at everything, knowing that we probably wouldn't get to see it again until next spring. And, knowing that it was the last, we tried to sail just a little further than we would have, wring every last bit of glory out of the afternoon. We had planned to anchor out and watch the stars - but realized it was going to be so cold that we would likely stay inside anyway. So instead we headed on home to the slip, arriving back a scant 8 minutes before sunset. Romantic candlelight dinner and bottle of wine, and we're ready to turn our minds to wintry pursuits. Sunday is time to take down the sails and turn the boat to the "winter" position - bow into the expected direction of the strongest winter winds.

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