24 August 2012

Appropriate, Somehow

Yesterday, Aug 23, was the fifth anniversary of my dad's death.  He was an engineer and a materials expert, fascinated by new gadgets and processes.  Somehow it seemed very fitting to me that yesterday was also the day we got 4 coats of the wonderful copper-epoxy bottom paint we've been so excited to try.  I don't know whether he would have thought the concept of adding copper powder to epoxy to repel barnacles and other marine growth brilliant or wacky, but I'm sure he would have had an opinion!
Stirring pure powdered copper into the 2-part epoxy

Four coats of the stuff made our hull sparkle!

Mel at work early in his career.  He quit smoking in his 40s, but  continued to have a messy desk until the day he died.


RoseAnn said...

They say the best minds have messy desks!

I love this post!

Dan N Jaye said...

LOL RoseAnn - If a cluttered desk is the sign of cluttered thinking, then what is an empty desk the sign of?