31 December 2008

New Year's Eve / Old Year's Night

The wind is shrieking and every time a gust hits the boat heels enough that things slide off the counters ... and that's tied up in the slip! Annapolis has a great fireworks display that we can see from the cockpit, but I doubt the weather will allow them to hold it tonight. Darn! It's our 25th anniversary and we joke that much of the world throws parties and gets the day off work just for us.

Whether its the wind or the prospect of a day off tomorrow, or my state of mind, I'm having a tough time focusing on work today. Instead I've been checking friends' blogs, surfing the 'net for fish-and-tropical-fruit recipes for tonight, and doing administrative/organizational tasks rather than the one 2008 review that's still on my list. What can I say? I hate arbitrary deadlines, and comments on this one document are due at close of business today. WTF? do I really think that someone is going to read them before Monday?

I don't do "New Years Resolutions" per se - at least, not the traditional kind like I will floss my teeth every night, I will be nicer to my BIL, I will eat right, I will go to the gym more, etc. I do, however, identify things I want to focus on during the year. This year I have 3:
  • Health: I'm still wrapping my mind around knowing that I have to do my physical therapy exercises at least a couple of times a week for the rest of my life, assuming I want to be able to walk, and "I'm too busy" isn't an option. Now, it seems to me that someone who spends 4-6 hours per week in the gym ought to boast being buff and golden, but for me that's just what it's gonna take to get to the starting line. Oh, well, that's my reality, I have to deal.

  • Getting our finances organized, and on autopilot as much as possible: We missed a couple of payments this year just because we forgot, or the bills went to the wrong place, not because we didn't have the cash. So my goal is to put things on autopay, set up tickler files for things we need to anticipate (taxes!), do as much as I can by email, and generally get this in shape while we're still living at a fixed address, because it will certainly be more difficult while we're traveling next year! I've already gotten a head start on this one - earlier this afternoon I set up a "monthly payment account" with our insurance agent to address all our insurance policies in one place (3 cars with bills twice a year, 3 rental properties with bills once a year, our personal liability, etc etc). She said, no wonder you sometimes miss payments, you must be getting one or another bill from us every month!

  • Career: Wrapping it up, completing my "Science Impact" (science in public decisionmaking) project, and generally figuring out who I want to be in the second 1/2 of my life.
Oh, yeah, #4 - sharpen and practice my emailing and blogging skills, 'cuz that's the only way I'll be keeping in touch with friends after next autumn!!


Playful Grace said...

Happy New Year!

I've been listening to Louise Hay, and she was mentioning that at 49 you should celebrate the infancy of your second life. The things this woman has done throughout her life are incredible and inspiring... starting at age 50. :)

Oh, and she's now 80 and learning how to dance and paint. ;)

By the way, each time you exercise, try affirming that you you are honoring yourself. I affirm that I'm loving and nurturing my child when I feed her - just changing that thought pattern has made a world of difference. You can always try and see what happens. ;)

Have a great year! Hope the evening works out for you.

RoseAnn said...

Happy New Year (and Anniversary), Jaye!

I'm also trying to go automated/paperless on many of our bills. I drug my feet about online bill-pay and that's worked out okay so it's time to take the next step. Plus, there's really no need for all the paper that ends up in our house!

Everydaythings said...

Happy happy new year Jaye and looking forward to reading here for another year!! I'm so glad we have discovered this mode of communication re blogging!! excersices... with my back at the mo I am the same and my arches have collapsed so orthotics too... its such a bore but like you there is no options other to grit the teeth and just do it! good health and strong backs to us both in 2009!!!

Jaye said...

Thanx for the good wishes!

PG - Your Louise Hay comment reminded me of a breast cancer survivor I met on a plane trip about 10 years ago. Her resolution was to try something new every year, like learning to scuba dive, or touring Italy.

RA - We're going paperless mostly so we can function while we travel to some of the remote places on our cruising wish list. Our new financial planner, a BlackBerry hitech kinda guy, will be a great help on this one.

WW - Yes, I'm liking the blog format too.

PG & WW re exercises - Interesting about focusing on nurturing yourself while taking this gym time. Even when I'm feeling weak and have a poopy disappointing workout, quitting after 45 min without making it through all the exercises in my program, I feel better the rest of the day. (Now, as long as I don't miss the *same* exercises every time ... LOL)