05 December 2008

Verizon, and my solution to the economic crisis

It's been 3-1/2 weeks since we got back from St Maarten and moved to our new slip for the winter while F-dock is being renovated (yay!) We scheduled our phone & internet move with Verizon - we're only moving 100 yards away, how hard can that be?

We got our new phone YESTERDAY and we STILL don't have internet! And every time I try to call, I get the recorded voice saying "press 1 for billing and payments, press 2 for tech support..." and after about 10 minutes on hold and 4 layers of automated menus, I finally get a human who tells me I have the wrong department and need to start over...ARRGH! I just checked my cellphone records and have spent over 2 HOURS on calls to Verizon!! It really shouldn't be this hard!

So my suggestion for our president-elect: Instead of a 21st-century New Deal, hiring the unemployed workers to update our national infrastructure, roads and bridges ... let's give them all nice office jobs in customer service, and make automated telephone menus illegal. What do you think?


Playful Grace said...

Here, here! :)

RoseAnn said...

I think that's a wonderful idea!

Good luck getting it straightened out!